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Friday, April 6, 2012

RAW as a 'gigantic and benign floating head'

The quotation I've picked out of the blog post by Scott Jeffery, "academic, comedian, wrecker of civilization" to put in my headline is a little unfair, taken out of context. But who can resist a "gigantic and benign floating head"?

The full quote: "So this is just some thoughts on Wilson, whose work had a profound impact on my philosophical and psycho-spiritual development and who still sometimes (not sure if I should mention this so I will) appears to me as as a kind of gigantic and benign floating head whenever my more unusual states of consciousness seem like they might get too much. Which, by the way, is awesome and I don’t care if its not really him; everyone gets the Robert Anton Wilson they deserve. So, an intellectual influence then and, in some strange way that only writers who you love but have never met can be, a friend."

The last two sentences capture rather well how I feel about Wilson (whom I never met, either.)

This is part of an interesting post on why the first Cosmic Trigger book is "hands down, my favourite book in the world."

Thanks to Rob Pugh on Twitter for calling this to my attention.