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Friday, April 5, 2024

Hilaritas releases "Reality Is What You Can Get Away With'


Hilaritas Press has announced the official release of Reality Is What You Can Get Away With. As I reporter earlier, there were a few bugs in the print edition that had to be ironed out; Rasa says the book is ready to be purchased everywhere now. 

Note that Scott McPherson has returned as a cover artist for Hilaritas RAW releases:

"We are euphoric that our cover designer for mosbunall of our Hilaritas Press titles, Scott McPherson of amoeba, agreed to come out of a hiatus and make this very cool new cover for the book. Once again he captured the essence of a RAW title beautifully."

Rasa's newsletter mentions that work on an Hilaritas edition of The Sex Magicians is coming along nicely, and that the Hilaritas edition of Timothy Leary's Terra II should be out soon. 

Note also that the newsletter has a wonderful photo of a young Joseph Matheny and RAW, in Nina Graboi's garden. Joseph mentions Graboi in the recent podcast as a mutual friend who arranged for Joseph to be RAW's chauffeur. Take a moment to look her up, she was an interesting person. Matheny wrote the introduction for the new edition, as he discusses in the podcast, which I recommend. 


Joseph Matheny said...

Thanks for giving Nina a shout-out. She was one of the most positively influential people in my young life.

Hugh said...

RAW’s intro seems a very good, clear window into his positions on free speech and how those might have manifested today. Interpret them how you will.