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Saturday, April 27, 2024

Erik Davis revamps website and there's lots to read

Erik Davis

Erik Davis is busy touring to promote his new book Blotter (see the bottom of this newsletter for tour dates) but he also has announced a big revamp of his official website, which collects much of his work. 

"For the new website, we decided to downgrade the previous chronological orderings of the seven hundred-odd items it contains. Instead, we wanted to invite more thematic and synchronistic cross-connections, opening word-cloud wanderings and liminal trawls through the archive. Rather than hot takes, it is designed for cool descents into a rather labyrinthine underground packed with still glowing oddities, sigils, and gems," he writes.

Running a search for "Robert Anton Wilson" produces 27 different hits. I plan to listen soon to his hour-long talk on "Pulp Illuminations," described as "A talk I gave  ... about Illuminatus!, the occult, and the tension between high and low magic in the 1970s."

But many of the other pieces  interest me, too. If you are into Led Zeppelin, for example, you could do worse than to peruse pieces such as "Magic Men: Led Zep," which wonderfully evokes the band's effect on teens in the 1970s: "Over the hills and far away, in the longago pubescent dawn, my world was a half-dreamt thing built as much from Tolkien, Lovecraft, and Hunter S. Thompson as from the concrete chunks of reality that the usual suspects doled out daily."


Oz Fritz said...

Davis' book on Led Zeppelin IV is excellent!

Steve Fly said...

I saw Erik speak at the launch (lunch) of Maybe Logic in San Francisco (2003), he's always had a knack for getting at the marrow.