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Friday, March 10, 2023

Update on Prop Anon's Robert Anton Wilson biography

If you missed Erik Davis' "High Weirdness," read it while you wait for the new RAW biography. See also Scott Apel's biographical essay on RAW in "Beyond Chaos and Beyond."

From Prop's email newsletter:

"Finally, Chapel Perilous: The Life and Thought Crimes of Robert Anton Wilson is undergoing its final edit with an editor that I’m very glad to have met. I have written so many drafts and redrafts of the book up until now, it feels amazing to type the words “this the final draft.” I don’t want to jinx it. However, when the scones are done the scones are done! The book’s release date is still nebulous at the moment, but I am being told by my publishers that the aim is this Fall!"

Strange Attractor Press was announced as the publisher of the book in late 2020.  RAW fans will remember that it's the publisher of High Weirdness, a notable book about RAW, Philip K. Dick and Terence McKenna written by Erik Davis. If you missed it, here is my review from 2019.  The publisher would seem to be a good fit for a RAW bio. 

I'll try to stay up to date here with announcements on the RAW bio about a publication date, a cover, etc. Prop continues to post a great deal of material about RAW at his Chapel Perilous website


Anonymous said...

The book isn’t currently listed on either the Strange Attractor or the MIT websites, and it’s supposed to be out in August! .

Cleveland Okie (Tom Jackson) said...

I should have noticed this myself, although in fairness, I thought I had an agreement I would be kept in the loop.

Paul said...

It seems now he’s publishing it himself.