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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Prop Anon, on the new biography, on the F23 podcast


The F23 podcast interviews Prop Anon/Gabriel Kennedy, and I thought it was an interesting listen. The podcast focuses on Prop's upcoming biography of Robert Anton Wilson (due out in November). Topics covered include Illuminatus!, Chapel Perilous, UFOs, synchronicities, Prop's research into Luna Wilson's murderer and the difficulties Prop ran into as he worked for years on the book. I  am convinced we will all learn a lot about Robert Anton Wilson when the book comes out. 


Eric Wagner said...

Thank you for sharing this, and thanks to Prop for all his work. I look forward to reading the book.

Prop Anon said...

Thanks Eric. I look forward to you and everyone on here reading the book. Part of the inspiration for writing the book was all the time spent at MLA.
Some great times were had there.
And thanks Tom for posting this and everything else.