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Saturday, October 8, 2022

Jesse Walker reviews Antero Alli's movies [UPDATED]

Antero Alli (image from Alli's Twitter account)

Antero Alli is well known to hardcore RAW fans as someone who has studied Timothy Leary's eight circuit model of consciousness and written books about the topic.

But he's also a filmmaker, and Jesse Walker (of Reason magazine, also an author and pundit) has reviewed quite a few of them.

Jesse's latest review appears in the latest issue of Reason magazine, i.e., the November issue, which arrived at my house a few days ago, but it's also now available online. It's a review of the movie Tracer. "At their best, his movies achieve a psychedelic naturalism: stories where ordinary human struggles confront intrusions from a more occult dimension," Jesse says.

Jesse also has a recent posting on his blog, "The Mindjack Files," which link to video reviews Jesse wrote from 2004 to 2006 for the Mindjack website; included are reviews of two Alli flicks, Hysteria and The Greater Circulation. 

Also, this 1996 Jesse Walker article for Reason, "Independents' Day," about how technology was allowing independent movies to be made very cheaply, discusses Alli's film The Drivetime. And this 2001 feature by Jesse, also about independent filmmaking, discusses Alli's movie Tragos

Update: One more, review of The Invisible Forest.

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