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Monday, March 5, 2012

Tackling life extension

Bloggers Michael Johnson and Oz Fritz, still working on the SMI2LE formula, both tackle the life extension part of the Timothy Leary/Robert Anton Wilson formula, albeit in very different ways.

Michael writes about the science of life extension, surveying various avenues of research. He writes that he will "have to do multiple posts on it over the coming months in order to feel like I've said anything substantial about it," but I thought I learned a lot reading his post thing morning.

Oz Fritz, meanwhile, writes about what he refers to as "Bardo training." He offers this thesis: "Some part of us can survive death. We call that part a bardo voyager." Lots of references to the first Cosmic Trigger, and he writes, "I found it interesting and telling that Robert Anton Wilson and Timothy Leary, both proponents of any and every kind of life extension, turned down the cryogenics option - having their brain and/or body frozen with the hope of getting it reanimated at a later date when issues of mortality had been extended or resolved."

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