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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Quoting RAW to the grads

Who do the college valedictorians quote? Robert Anton Wilson, of course.

Ann Clark, writing for the Santa Rose Press Democrat, pens a tribute to Santa Rose Junior College and looks back fondly at highlights of her student days. One happy moment:

"The highlight, however, was my May 1996 graduation where, as a valedictorian, I stood under a canopy of oaks on a hot May morning, quoting from Robert Anton Wilson's essay 'Ten Reasons to Get Out of Bed in the Morning' and telling my classmates how critically they are needed. I truly felt like a child of the college, wanting to honor my 'parent' by doing her proud."

The essay Clark mentions, one of RAW's more inspirational pieces, is reprinted in The Illuminati Papers.

1 comment:

Manic The Doodler said...

Oh that someone would have quoted RAW at the painfully boring graduation ceremony I attended last night!