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Monday, March 14, 2011

Re-reading 'Nature's God'

I just finished re-reading Nature's God, Robert Anton Wilson's last completed novel, published in 1988. While of course I enjoyed re-reading it, it has to be considered a little disappointing, not least because it has a cliffhanger ending inviting the reader to continue on with The World Turned Upside Down, a fourth novel which was never completed. Well, I'm glad he finished Nature's God. It has many fine passages (Maria Babcock's underground best-seller about God and the Willy, Sigismundo Celine's collection of aphorisms, the witty dialogue among the French people toward the end), although for my taste it does not add up to a whole as impressive as The Widow's Son or some of the other novels. I'll be blogging about the book for a couple of days.

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