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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Prop Anon podcast interviews Jesse Walker


"The United States of Paranoia: A Conversation with Jesse Walker" is a new episode of the Prop Anon podcast. 

About the podcast, Jesse wrote on Bluesky, "I had a good conversation with about literature, politics, conspiracy theories, and why it sometimes feels like history is in a holding pattern."

Prop's blurb says, "In this episode, I spoke with Jesse Walker, books editor at Reason magazine and author of The United States of Paranoia: A Conspiracy Theory, about his book and the five "primal myths" of conspiracy theories, the literary legacy of Robert Anton Wilson, and the incoming Trump administration. Are we living in the United States of Paranoia?"


michael said...

I listened to this. Jesse Walker has this wonderful, resonant voice and he's very articulate and interesting and insightful. He reminds me why I would NOT be a good podcast guest.

Cleveland Okie (Tom Jackson) said...

I can't agree with Michael on this, as I talked to him on the phone once, and I think he would be a great guest.

Spookah said...

Gabriel also had a chat with Jeffrey Mishlove on the New Thinking Allowed, popped up yesterday.
Looking forward to listen to this one, as I always found Jeffrey a fantastic interviewer.

Eric Wagner said...

I think, nay I know, Dr. Johnson would make a great podcast guest or host.